This page describes processing a small paragraph with Stanford CoreNLP components (StanfordSegmenter, StanfordNamedEntityRecognizer, StanfordParser) and writing out the noun phrases (NP) and Named Entities (NE) occurring in the NPs to the console output, such as e.g.
All these components are UIMA annotators for the Stanford CoreNLP software.
Either, create a new Maven project or incorporate the following to your existing Maven project. It is expected that you read the introductory material. You’ll need the following dependencies.
For example, put all your sentences in a text file and read them with a default reader from DkPro. (The directory containing the file is given as the first command line argument.)
It is important to set the language (two letter ISO 639-1 code) at the reader.
Example sentences
As examples, the following sentences are used:
The Stanford Segmenter performs tokenizations and makes sentence and token annotations and can serve as a high quality alternative for other segmenter components like the BreakIteratorSegmenter.
Include the component into your pipeline this way:
An example annotations output may look like this:
The Stanford NER is a CRFClassifier implementation of a Named Entity Recognizer to label sequences of words in a text which are the names of things, such as person and company names.
Models and types
Included with the Stanford NER are a 4 class model trained for CoNLL, a 7 class model trained for MUC, and a 3 class model trained on both data sets for the intersection of those class sets.
3 class Location, Person, Organization
4 class Location, Person, Organization, Misc
7 class Time, Location, Organization, Person, Money, Percent, Date
The corresponding UIMA annotation types are called “Person”, “Organization”, “Location” etc., from the package de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.type.ner.
Include the component into your pipeline this way:
The default variant for English is all.3class.distsim.crf, other variants can be set by PARAM_VARIANT.
An example annotations output may look like this:
The Stanford Parser is a program that works out the grammatical structure of sentences. There are models available for many languages, e.g. Englisch and German.
There are different models for various languages, parsers include a PCFG (probabilistic context-free grammar) parser and a factored parser.
Include the component into your pipeline this way:
The default variant for English is factored.
An example annotations output may look like this:
Create your experiment
The entire pipeline may look like this:
The final output prints the noun phrases (NP) and the named entities (NE) within them. An example may look like this:
You can find the current sources for this recipe here.
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