Installing Java and Groovy
These steps install the basis system requirements needed to implement DKPro Core pipelines using the [ Groovy] language. They need to be performed only once.
- Download and install the Java SE Development Kit 7 from the Oracle Java Site
- Windows: download and run the Windows Installer from the Groovy homepage
- Linux/OS X: Open a terminal which we will use to install Groovy using gvm
curl -s "" | bash
- Open a new terminal window to activate gvm and in the new window enter
gvm install groovy
Running the pipeline
For a start, let’s try a simple analysis pipeline:
- Read an English text file called “document.txt”
- Perform tokenization and sentence boundary detection using OpenNLP
- Perform lemmatization using LanguageTool
- Perform dependency parsing using MaltParser
- Write the result to disk in CoNLL 2006 format
Here is how to run that:
- Open a text editor and copy/paste the following script into it.
- Save the file under the name pipeline.groovy.
- Create another text file in the editor, write some English text into it, and save under the name document.txt.
- Open a command line in the directory to which you saved the two files
- Invoke the script using the command
groovy pipeline.groovy
- This will take quite a while the first time because the software components and models are downloaded
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
@Grab(group='de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core', version='1.6.2',
import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.opennlp.*;
@Grab(group='de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core', version='1.6.2',
import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.languagetool.*;
@Grab(group='de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core', version='1.6.2',
import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.maltparser.*;
@Grab(group='de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core', version='1.6.2',
@Grab(group='de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core', version='1.6.2',
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
TextReader.PARAM_SOURCE_LOCATION, "document.txt",
TextReader.PARAM_LANGUAGE, "en"),
Conll2006Writer.PARAM_TARGET_LOCATION, "."));
The result is written to a file called document.txt.conll and could look something like this:
1 Pierre Pierre NNP NNP _ 2 nn _ _
2 Vinken Vinken NNP NNP _ 9 nsubj _ _
3 , , , , _ 2 punct _ _
4 61 61 CD CD _ 5 num _ _
5 years year NNS NNS _ 6 measure _ _
6 old old JJ JJ _ 2 amod _ _
7 , , , , _ 2 punct _ _
8 will will MD MD _ 9 aux _ _
9 join join VB VB _ 0 _ _ _
10 the the DT DT _ 11 det _ _
11 board board NN NN _ 9 dobj _ _
12 as as IN IN _ 9 prep _ _
13 a a DT DT _ 15 det _ _
14 nonexecutive nonexecutive JJ JJ _ 15 amod _ _
15 director director NN NN _ 12 pobj _ _
16 Nov. Nov. NNP NNP _ 15 dep _ _
17 29 29 CD CD _ 16 num _ _
18 . . . . _ 9 punct _ _
Where to go from here?
You can find many more examples of what you can do with DKPro Core and Groovy on our Groovy recipes for DKPro Core pipelines page