These steps install the basis system requirements needed to implement DKPro Core pipelines using the [ Groovy] language. They need to be performed only once.
Download and install the Java SE Development Kit 7 from the Oracle Java Site
Windows: download and run the Windows Installer from the Groovy homepage
Linux/OS X: Open a terminal which we will use to install Groovy using gvm
curl -s "" | bash
Open a new terminal window to activate gvm and in the new window enter
gvm install groovy
Running the pipeline
For a start, let’s try a simple analysis pipeline:
Read an English text file called “document.txt”
Perform tokenization and sentence boundary detection using OpenNLP
Perform lemmatization using LanguageTool
Perform dependency parsing using MaltParser
Write the result to disk in CoNLL 2006 format
Here is how to run that:
Open a text editor and copy/paste the following script into it.
Save the file under the name pipeline.groovy.
Create another text file in the editor, write some English text into it, and save under the name document.txt.
Open a command line in the directory to which you saved the two files
Invoke the script using the command groovy pipeline.groovy
This will take quite a while the first time because the software components and models are downloaded
The result is written to a file called document.txt.conll and could look something like this:
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