DKPro Core - Setting up Maven and Eclipse

System Requirements

Different version of DKPro Core have different version requirements.

For Windows Users

Note: On your machine the Java path may be different, e.g. because you are using a localized Windows version it may be C:\Programme\... -or- because you may have a Java version other than

  • Edit your eclipse.ini and add/change the following lines (the -vmargs line should be present already):
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_51/bin/javaw.exe
  • Make sure that the linebreaks are as shown above (the formatting is actually necessary)
  • Open Eclipse
    • Open the preferences
    • Go to Java -> Installed JREs
    • Click Search and choose your Java directory
    • Close the preferences and re-open them
    • Select jdk1.8.0_51 as your JRE (this should match the entry you added in the eclipse.ini)

Maven Setup

Since version 1.4.0, DKPro Core is available from Maven Central.

If you do not want rely on our automatic download mechanism for models and instead want to add models as dependencies to your Maven POM, it is necessary to configure the public UKP Maven repository.

Only if you are using DKPro Core 1.4.0 or older: If you want to use our pre-packaged models, it is necessary to configure the public UKP Maven repository.

Only if you are using DKPro Core 1.3.0 or older: If you need to use DKPro Core versions 1.3.0 or older, it is necessary to configure the public UKP Maven repository.