The document targets users employing the DKPro Script to build analysis pipelines.


DKPro Script is a domain specific language (DSL) based on Groovy that greatly facilitates building pipelines using DKPro Core components.

Script structure

The script starts with a mandatory preamble that sets up the DKPro Script environment:

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
@groovy.transform.BaseScript org.dkpro.script.groovy.DKProCoreScript baseScript

After the preamble follows the actual script. There are three main commands read, apply, and write. The read command must appear first and there can only be one read command per script. Any number of apply and write commands may follow.

read 'String' language 'en' params([
    documentText: 'This is a test.'])
apply 'OpenNlpSegmenter'
apply 'OpenPosTagger'
write 'Conll2006'



The read command defines the source of the data being processed by the pipeline.

read '<FORMAT>' language '<LANG>' from '<LOCATION>' params ([
    <param1>: <value1>,
    <param2>: <value2>,

the format of the data to be read. To get a list of the supported formats, use the inventory command.

language <LANG> (optional)

the language of the data to be read. This must be a two-letter ISO code. This is a shortcut for specifying language in params.

from <LOCATION> (optional)

the location from where the data is to be read. This is required for most formats, but not for all. For example the String format expects the document text to be specified via params. This is a shortcut for specifying sourceLocation in params.

params([<param1>: <value1>,…​]) (optional)

additional parameters to be passed to the underlying reader. To see the available parameters for a specified format use the explain command.

read 'Xmi' language 'en' from '*.xmi'

read 'Text' language 'en' from 'textfile.txt'

read 'Conll2006' language 'en' from '**/*.conll'

read 'String' language 'en' params([
    documentText: 'This is a test.'])


apply '<ENGINE>' params ([
    <param1>: <value1>,
    <param2>: <value2>,
apply 'OpenNlpSegmenter'

apply 'StanfordParser' params([
    writePennTree: true])


The write command defines where to output the processed data. The command can appear any time after the read command but typically appears at the end of the pipeline. It can appear multiple times, either to write out different formats or to write output at different stages of processing, i.e. when write appears in between apply commands.

write '<FORMAT>' to '<LOCATION>' params ([
    <param1>: <value1>,
    <param2>: <value2>,

the format of the data to be write. To get a list of the supported formats, use the inventory command.

to <LOCATION> (optional)

the location to write the output to. If this is omitted, most writers will write their output output to standard out (if using DKPro Core 1.8.0 or higher). Most format will treat the location as a target folder and for each input file, they create an output file in this folder. For some formats, the location specifies a file name. This is a shortcut for specifying targetLocation in params.

params([<param1>: <value1>,…​]) (optional)

additional parameters to be passed to the underlying writer. To see the available parameters for a specified format use the explain command.

// Write result to screen in Conll2006 format
write 'Conll2006'

// Write output file per input file to the folder 'output' in Conll2006 format
write 'Conll2006' to 'output'

// Write a single aggregate file 'output.conll' in Conll2006 format
write 'Conll2006' to 'output.conll' params([
    singularTarget: true




explain '<COMPONENT>'

the component to be explained. This can either be the name of an engine (cf. apply) or the name of a format (cf. read, write). When explaining a format, the explanation may contain a section for a 'Reader' and for a 'Writer'. In case only an explanation of the reading or writing aspect of a format is desired, append Reader or Writer to the format name.

// Explain the OpenNlpSegmenter engine
explain 'OpenNlpSegmenter'

// Explain the Conll2006 format (reading and writing)
explain 'Conll2006'

// Explain the Conll2006 format (reading only)
explain 'Conll2006Reader'


version '1.7.0'

version '1.8.0-SNAPSHOT'

Custom components


If a format should be processed that is not supported by DKPro Core yet, a custom reader can be defined within the script.

def plainText = {
    def res = nextFile();
    initCas(jcas, res);
    jcas.documentText = res.inputStream.getText('UTF-8');

read plainText language 'en' from 'lala.txt'


apply {
    select type('Token') each { println "${it.coveredText} ${it.pos.posValue}" }


write {
    select type('Token') each { println "${it.coveredText} ${it.pos.posValue}" }

Component block commmands

Within the code blocks that implement custom components, additional commands are available.

  • type(String)

  • select

  • selectCovered

  • selectSingle

  • …​