DKPro Core - TreeTagger part-of-speech tagging and lemmatizing


Reads files from the specified directory and prints the result to the console.

TreeTagger Installation for Linux

  • Go to the TreeTagger website
  • From the download section, download the correct tagger package, i.e. PC-Linux
    • Extract the .gz archive
    • Copy the tree-tagger-linux-3.2/bin/tree-tagger file and place it in the same folder as the script
  • From the parameter file section, download the correct model. For the example below download English parameter file (english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin.gz)
    • Unzip the file (e.g. gunzip english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin.gz)
    • Copy the file english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin into the same folder as the script. Ensure that the name for the model is english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin

TreeTagger Installation for Windows 7

  • Ensure that you have a program to unzip .gz files. For example you can use [ 7zip]
  • Go to the TreeTagger website
  • In the Windows section, you find the download link for the file.
    • Extract the zip-archive
    • Copy the tree-tagger-windows-3.2/bin/tree-tagger.exe to your folder with with the script
  • From the parameter file section, download the correct model. For the example below download English parameter file (english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin.gz)
    • Unzip the file (e.g. by using 7zip)
    • Copy the file english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin into the same folder as the script. Ensure that the name for the model is english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin
  • In the script below, you find a line TreeTaggerPosLemmaTT4J.PARAM_EXECUTABLE_PATH, "tree-tagger", change the value tree-tagger to tree-tagger.exe

If you already have TreeTagger installed on your system and or if you want to use another model file, you can also set in the script the parameters PARAM_EXECUTABLE_PATH and PARAM_MODEL_PATH to their respective locations.

Call with C:\jython-2.7b1\jython <foldername> <language>, e.g. C:\jython-2.7b1\jython C:\example_folder\ en.

#!/usr/bin/env jython
# Fix classpath scanning - otherise uimaFIT will not find the UIMA types
from java.lang import Thread
from org.python.core.imp import *
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = getSyspathJavaLoader()

# Dependencies and imports for DKPro modules
from jip.embed import require
from de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.opennlp import *
from de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.treetagger import *
from import *
from de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type import *

# uimaFIT imports
from import *
from import *
from import *
from import *

# Access to commandline arguments
import sys

# Assemble and run pipeline
pipeline = iteratePipeline(
    TextReader.PARAM_PATH, sys.argv[1],
    TextReader.PARAM_LANGUAGE, sys.argv[2],
    TextReader.PARAM_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1",
    TextReader.PARAM_PATTERNS, "*.txt"),
    TreeTaggerPosLemmaTT4J.PARAM_EXECUTABLE_PATH, "tree-tagger", #!! Change to "tree-tagger.exe" if the script is executed under windows !!
    TreeTaggerPosLemmaTT4J.PARAM_MODEL_PATH, "english-par-linux-3.2-utf8.bin",
    TreeTaggerPosLemmaTT4J.PARAM_MODEL_ENCODING, "UTF-8"));

for jcas in pipeline:
  for token in select(jcas, Token):
    print token.coveredText + " " + token.pos.posValue + " " + token.lemma.value

Example output:

The DT the
quick JJ quick
brown JJ brown
fox NN fox
jumps NNS jump
over IN over
the DT the
lazy JJ lazy
dog NN dog
. SENT .