See: Description
Class | Description |
StanfordCoreferenceResolver | |
StanfordDependencyConverter |
Converts a constituency structure into a dependency structure.
StanfordLemmatizer |
Stanford Lemmatizer component.
StanfordNamedEntityRecognizer |
Stanford Named Entity Recognizer component.
StanfordNamedEntityRecognizerTrainer |
Train a NER model for Stanford CoreNLP Named Entity Recognizer.
StanfordParser |
Stanford Parser component.
StanfordPosTagger |
Stanford Part-of-Speech tagger component.
StanfordPosTaggerTrainer |
Train a POS tagging model for the Stanford POS tagger.
StanfordPtbTransformer |
Uses the normalizing tokenizer of the Stanford CoreNLP tools to escape the text PTB-style.
StanfordSegmenter |
Stanford sentence splitter and tokenizer.
Enum | Description |
StanfordParser.DependenciesMode |
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