See: Description
Class | Description |
AnnotationByLengthFilter |
Removes annotations that do not conform to minimum or maximum length constraints.
BreakIteratorSegmenter |
BreakIterator segmenter.
CamelCaseTokenSegmenter |
Split up existing tokens again if they are camel-case text.
GermanSeparatedParticleAnnotator |
Annotator to be used for post-processing of German corpora that have been lemmatized and
POS-tagged with the TreeTagger, based on the STTS tagset.
LineBasedSentenceSegmenter | Deprecated
RegexSegmenter |
ParagraphSplitter |
This class creates paragraph annotations for the given input document.
PatternBasedTokenSegmenter |
Split up existing tokens again at particular split-chars.
RegexSegmenter |
This segmenter splits sentences and tokens based on regular expressions that define the sentence
and token boundaries.
TokenMerger |
Merges any Tokens that are covered by a given annotation type.
TokenTrimmer |
Remove prefixes and suffixes from tokens.
WhitespaceSegmenter | Deprecated
RegexSegmenter |
Enum | Description |
TokenMerger.LemmaMode |
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