DKPro JOWKL - Welcome

Java OmegaWiki Library

A free, Java-based application programming interface that allows to access all information in the free, multi-lingual online dictionary OmegaWiki.

Core features:

  • fast and efficient access to OmegaWiki,
  • direct access to OmegaWiki database dumps,
  • no preprocessing necessary,
  • language independent.

Publications and Citation Information

DKPro JOWKL has been developed as part of the UBY project. You can read more about JOWKL and UBY in our scientific articles:

Michael Matuschek, Christian M. Meyer, and Iryna Gurevych: Multilingual Knowledge in Aligned Wiktionary and Omega­Wiki for Translation Applications, Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition: Special Issue on “Language Technology for a Multilingual Europe” (TC3), Vol. 3(1): 87–118, June 2013. (download)

Iryna Gurevych, Judith Eckle-Kohler, Silvana Hartmann, Michael Matuschek, Christian M. Meyer, and Christian Wirth: UBY – A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource Based on LMF, in: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), p. 580–590, April 2012. Avignon, France. (download)

Please cite our TC3 paper if you use the software in your scientific work.

License and Availability

The latest version of DKPro JOWKL is available via Maven Central. If you use Maven as your build tool, then you can add DKPro JOWKL as a dependency in your pom.xml file:


DKPro JOWKL is available as open source software under the Apache License 2.0 (ASL). The software thus comes “as is” without any warranty (see license text for more details).


Prior to being available as open source software, DKPro JOWKL has been a research project at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. The following people have mainly contributed to this project (in alphabetical order):

  • Richard Eckart de Castilho
  • Iryna Gurevych
  • Zijad Maksuti
  • Michael Matuschek
  • Christian M. Meyer