There is no dedicated publication on DKPro Script. Please cite the components that you use and DKPro Core as indicated below.
Many of the wrapped third-party components and the models used by them should be cited individually. We currently do not provide a comprehensive overview over citable publications. We encourage you to track down citable publications for these dependencies. However, you might find pointers to some relevant publications in the Model overview of the DKPro Core release you are using or in the JavaDoc of individual components.
Please cite DKPro Core itself as:
Eckart de Castilho, R. and Gurevych, I. (2014). A broad-coverage collection of portable NLP components for building shareable analysis pipelines. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for HLT (OIAF4HLT) at COLING 2014, to be published, Dublin, Ireland. (pdf) (bib)
DKPro Script itself is licensed under the Apache Software License (ASL) version 2.
IMPORTANT LICENSE NOTE - Please respect the licenses of DKPro Core and the integrated components. Individual components might make use of third-party libraries or products that are not licensed under other licenses such as GPL, or only free for research but not to be used in commercial scenarios. Please be aware of the third party licenses and respect them.